Thursday 10 May 2007

video that doesn't reflect rethian values

seeing as certain people weren't in class today *rolls eyes* i thought i'd give you the link to the video i was talking about to mr s.

apparantly this : doesn't inform, educate or entertain. made me laugh

its not the best entry ever i know, however, i have an extreme lack in computer skills.

toodle pip! tally ho!

Who owns the English language?

KFC have set their lawyers on the Tan Hill Inn, a pub in Yorkshire who described their Christmas meal as a "family feat". KFC claim that they have registered this phrase as their trademark, so it can only be applied to greasy stuff in buckets.
Full story here.
I've been to that pub. It's a good one. They are used to hill-walkers, so very dog-friendly.

Blog Censorship

I found some stuff on censorship, involving everyone's favourite medium, the humble blog.

Here we can see censorship in a very practical effect. It is necessary for a government to ensure the truth about the wars they are fighting does not permeate into our society; as if we were exposed to it we would be less willing to accept the bloodshed.

In reference to yesterdays lesson


Der Fuehrer's Face

Here's an extract from the original cartoon: